Lockdown meaning and scope
Lockdown, an interesting word it is, isn’t it? What is lockdown? Well, the word itself is self-explanatory. Lock yourselves at your home, don’t let outsiders in nor you can go out exploring anywhere. Yes, and even cities are locked down, meaning, you are locked in the city where you are. Yes, many government employees, businessmen and visitors too are locked in a city that doesn’t belong to them. Gives eerie feeling, right? Let’s now understand why it’s essential to lockdown everyone, every city and even the country?
Well, the figures show that so far there has been deaths of lacs of people globally. The outbreak of the virus started from the city in China, Wuhan and slowly it spread across the globe and now the cases are reported from developing to fully developed nations. The list of affected countries includes China, Korea, Iran, Pakistan like Asian countries, Canada and the USA, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, England like European countries and the list goes on. Cases have now started showing up in African countries and in recent days there has been a rise in reported cases in India too!
Looking at its odds, the situation is alarming for India. This outbreak started from Wuhan, and then they (The Chinese Government) dramatically took control over the situation and countries like Italy, Germany, Spain and the USA are affected adversely than China. Today, the number of reported cases are highest in New York, Italy stands second with number of deaths reported highest in the world and witnessing deaths of 700 people each day. Horrifying figures!
India is such a dense country and overly-populated. Many slums in cities and villages not so clean, imagine a deadly virus outbreak here. We have no option but to standby the government’s decision to lockdown the country. Though, it has affected and will hit our economy in the days to come. Nifty has dropped by 5000 points already in just a few days of lockdown, that’s 26% fall and is the second largest of loss since 2008. So, decision of imposing Janta Curfew is advisable and desirable too!
Public reactions
People are finding it difficult to cope with it. Even the Police have become stricter and are openly doing lathicharge upon people who are not co-operating. People need to understand, it’s not to punish them, but lockdown is fighting back to global pandemic by simply staying at home. No one is ever going to have such an easy task for proving their duties and love for their nation. Staying at home is not so hard afterall.
There are people who are showing real spirit of fighting against the outbreak and there are people complaining too, because they are made to sit at home. India is proud of her responsible citizens and appealing those, who complain, to make good use of this time of their stay at home. Those complaining, should take it in a positive way that this is a fine chance to spend some quality time with family and their beloved ones. One should utilize this time to live the life they had always wanted to, should get themselves indulged in their favorite activities and developing their skills.
Time to reform the life, isn’t it? Like one can devote himself to prayers, yoga & exercise, quitting bad habits such as chewing tobacco, cigarettes, alcohol etc, reading good books, gardening, practicing meditation and many more. Just one condition, stay home, stay safe and prove that you are a responsible citizen, at least, not complaints and pay full co-operation.
Mother Nature’s Thank you note for the lockdown
What different these days I have noticed is, nature is healing itself from the injuries inflicted by mankind. The sky is clearer and the air is purer. No noise around, no people littering about. No need to reflect sign boards, don’t litter, don’t park your vehicle here, don’t spit, don’t urinate, don’t throw plastic waste in open. I find animals at peace and at ease these days, no humans to disturb or to harm them. It’s indeed a boon that way.
During the lockdown, people should think about these issues and once the lockdown is revoked, they must act wisely. Make sure to use this chance to nurture the nature.
A message to my readers
Daily needs are hard to get from the market, and some people are misusing and taking advantage of people’s disability to go farther to get what they want. Monopoly and rise in price right from vegetables to other necessary things are seen commonly. Please remember, during the time of such emergencies, it’s violation of law and order and customers and consumers can reach directly to consumer forum on: Toll free# 1800 11 4000
Or can share videos, pictures, addresses of such shopkeepers, merchants on whatsapp # 8130009809.
Please note, your identity remains confidential if you are a victim and want to log a complaint. Please reach out consumer forum helpline on the numbers mentioned here.